Thursday, July 19, 2018


By: Scott Ramsey There are seven Root-Races or evolutionary cycles through which humanity evolves. Each root-race is divided into seven minor cycles called sub-races, which are again subdivided into seven branch or family races. These sub-divisions are related to the modern concept of races and ethnicities. It must be stressed that the sub-races refer to cultural qualities and not to the level of evolution of the soul, they are different evolutionary stages humanity as a whole goes through successively. The same individuals that compose the current humanity have been reborn in all the previous Root-Races. The Root races are stages in human evolution in the esoteric cosmology of theosophist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, as described in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888). These races existed mainly on now-lost continents. According to Blavatsky's writings, there will be seven root races assembled for our Earth; each root race is divided into seven subraces. Only five root races have appeared so far; the sixth is expected to emerge in the 28th century. We are presently at the fifth stage, referred to as the "Aryans". Aryans (the word means "noble" in Sanskrit). It is unfortunate that the term "Aryan" was adopted and perverted by Hitler and his intellectual predecessor's fantasies of an "Aryan Superman” and is still used today by right-wing white power extremists. Hitler and his inner circle also perverted some genuine ancient symbols, like the swastika (an ancient Sanskrit symbol). There have been on Earth many civilizations of which we know nothing. These Races evolve from ethereality to materiality. So every living organic species of animals and vegetation changes with every new Root-Race. Every sub-race and nation have their cycles and stages of developmental evolution repeated on a smaller scale. Our race then has, as a Root-race, crossed the middle line of the Root Races and is cycling onward on the Spiritual side. The periods of the great root races are divided from each other by great convulsions of Nature, and by great geological changes. Every root-race is separated by a catastrophe, a cataclysm—the basis and historical foundation of the fables woven later on into the religious fabric of every people, whether civilized or savage, under the names of “deluges,” “showers of fire”, and like the ‘great flood”. Our present continents have been submerged and had the time to reappear again and bear their new groups of mankind and civilization; and that, at the first great geological upheaval, at the next cataclysm, in the series of periodical cataclysms, that occur from the beginning to the end of every Round, our known continents will go down, and the ancient continents will arise again. It must be remembered that the Theosophical concept is that Souls develop through an evolutionary process from: 1. Mineral, to; 2. Plant; to 3. Animal; to 4. Human. There is no transmigration backward so that a human cannot go backwards to an animal, or plant for example. Francis Bacon (whom theosophy considers to be the legendary Count of St. Germain) in his work The New Atlantis in the year (1627) describes a potential future civilisation which lives on a land called Bensalem. The first root race (Polarian) The first root race was "ethereal", they were composed of etheric matter. They reproduced by dividing like an amoeba. Earth was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru. The earth on which the first race lived was more ethereal than it is today, but relatively hard and condensed in comparison with those non-self-conscious ‘human’ protoplasts. They had huge translucent or transparent bodies, ovoid though somewhat fluid in form, with no bones or organs, and no hair or skin. They slowly grew more solid but remained ethereal until the end.

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