Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Something Bad Is Headed Our Way Central Bankers Are Ready To Control The Crash:L. Cammarosano

We are moving into a time were we the people have to take the lead and force a paradigm shift away from the past goals and objectives in our society. Away from growth and expansions towards self sustainability. Away from a focus on national security, towards a focus on global security. The trick is we focus on what we can do to keep freedom and liberty. We will not all have the same religion, teachers, nor economic or government structure. Nor should we. We need to recognize that people are either freedom oriented or control oriented, and control oriented people are afraid of freedom oriented people. We can not expect politician to lead, they are followers. But if the people change they will be forced to change. We have reached the point in human evolution were we will either be throwing the parasites out or we except the lost of all of the freedom we hold dear. Even if we make all the right choices, it will still be very painful and costly. The rich will have to take care of the poor, and the poor is going to have to take care of each other as much as they can. May God give us the patients, tolerance, compation, and most important the capacity to help as many people as we can during this very difficult time a head of us.

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