Friday, July 6, 2018


 Despite living in a globalizad economy, where international trade is the norm and most of the products we use daily are manufactured abroad, agriculture is the still an island of protectionism. Farms are extremely protected all over the world. Is not easy to find a country that has no tariffs, subsidies or quotas for their Primary sector. In Europe, the Common Agricultural Policy –also known as CAP—means over 72 billion USD to the European budget. But the Brexit has become a turning point to this. Since Great Britain was one of the biggest net contributor to CAP, Brussels must cut a lot of those subsidies and, gradually, starting a liberalization. Are we witnessing the end of the CAP in Europe? Could this be a model for other countries? Shall we see an end for agriculture protectionism all over the world? We will answer to all of this questions on this video.

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