Monday, July 30, 2018

ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) Monday 7/30/18: Expert John Guandolo, Gerald Celente Trends in the News

Date: Monday July 30, 2018 Today on Infowars Live TV - The Alex Jones Show Monday, July 30th: Media Ignores Violence Against Trump Supporters - An establishment media publisher complained about potential violence against journalists while ignoring the over 500 documented violent attacks against Trump supporters. The tone-deaf appraisal was given on the same day ANOTHER brawl broke out around President Trump’s Hollywood “Walk of Fame” star. Also, Trump said he will “shut down” the government if Dems don’t vote for border security; adding that lottery and chain migration, as well as sanctuary cities, have got to go. Joining today’s show is former FBI agent and counter-terrorism expert John Guandolo explaining his cutting-edge TV show that focuses on terror networks inside America. Start your week informed. Call and tune in now!

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