Friday, July 20, 2018

ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) Friday 7/20/18: Norris Sweidan, Lee Stranahan, Martina Markota, Ashton Hess

 Date: Friday July 20, 2018 Today on Infowars Live TV - The Alex Jones Show Friday, July 20th: World Economy Exploited - President Trump called out China and the European Union for manipulating their currencies while America’s dollar becomes stronger. Trump said America should be allowed to “recapture what was lost” from the illegal activity that took away America’s competitive edge. Also, Ecuador is reportedly ready to hand over WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United Kingdom soon. Joining today’s show gun store owner Norris Sweidan discussing his sharp encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen attempting to lampoon conservatives. Furthermore, journalist Lee Stranahan explains how the left abuses the legal system in America. Start your weekend informed. Call and tune in now!

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