Monday, June 25, 2018

Robert Kiyosaki - The BUBBLE Will Burst! - How You Can Protect Yourself

 Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen sit down once again with Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad to talk about a whole host of issues in the news! Starting it off, we go into collateralized debt obligations, mortgage backed securities, reverse mortgages and other concerning factors that we've seen before in the markets before the 2007 crash. Robert Kiyosaki tells us he is selling real estate for the first time which we believe is breaking news! Kiyosaki goes into how central banking and the fiat system creates vast numbers of problems and why he protects himself with gold and silver. Another issue he touches on is the unfunded liabilities and how dramatically bad the pension system is. With that, he goes into the dependence of millennials vs the independence of successful people and how it's creating the perfect storm. He then makes some very interesting points on cryptocurrencies and his views on the future of crypto and decentralized blockchain technology. Finally, he tells us what he thinks about the second annual Red Pill Expo in Spokane, Washington and his respect for G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island. Stay tuned as we continue to post incredible conversations from the Red Pill Expo! Video edited by Josh Sigurdson

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