Saturday, June 23, 2018

President Donald Trump POWERFUL weekly Address to the Nation on Immigration

It's time to take a strong stance....the RINOs will never allow you to have a majority..and there aren't enough seats up to give you a strong majority......and what the liberals are doing to Barron, Sarah, The Secretary of Homeland's way past time for CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS to stand up to these sleazebag liberals.....will some CONSERVATIVE ARTIST please draw some pics of the liberal movie stars and liberal athletes and really KNOCK THEM.....will BIKERS FOR TRUMP please start driving around OBAMA's kids schools....and the schools of every liberal congressman or women you can find...after all there are over ONE MILLION BIKERS FOR TRUMP......start refusing to serve liberals.....and shut them out.....we deplorables need to give back to them just what they are dishing out to us.....the time for turning the other cheek has passed...if it's war they want....let it be war they get.....

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