Friday, June 22, 2018

Ken O'Keefe - Position on Cryptocurrency & Monetary Policy - KOK QT3

Cryptocurrencies play right into the Jews hands. These devils are building a control grid all around us. I'm a firm believer that if you don't PHYSICALLY possess something (land, resources, tools, money) then your a fool. The block chain is used to monitor every transaction. Sound Biblical to you all? (No one will be able to buy, sell, or trade without "the mark) We need to decentralize EVERYTHING (Easier said then done, I know), but we don't have another choice. Go back to bartering for goods for all I care. Thank you Ken for telling everyone to keep their heads up. Don't let these Satanic Jew bastards steal our humanity. We can beat them, and we will! We don't have any other damn choice.

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