Friday, June 22, 2018

Gerald Celente - Trade Wars Won’t Sink Markets. This Will!

Venezuela is such a mess because the US is trying to overthrow the gov of Venezuela because of their oil and blame it on Maduro/socialism! How? By funding billions to columbian drugcartels who take over venezuelas assets and food supply in the northwest. By raising the prices a thousendfold and asking to be paid in dollars, they drained the country of bolivar causing hyperinflation upon the gov printing new money. The cia instigated riots against the gov like they did in the ukrain, Syria, Quatamala, Iran in 1953 etc.etc.etc. After FARC surrendered, drugcartels had no more resistance. Then the US imposed sanctions on a starving population and things escalated more quickly. My guess: if russia hadnt sold subs to Venezuela, the US probably already had saild their carrier fleet to their shores to invade the country militarily.

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