Wednesday, June 20, 2018


 George Soros is a liberal billionaire who has spent decades throwing his money around to manipulate political races. Soros just thought he could do this once again with y dumping $1.8 billion into four of the 56 district attorney positions in California up for grabs this month, but he just learned he was dead wrong. Right Wing News reported that Soros just spent $1.5 million on a political action committee to help the San Diego County candidacy of GeneviĆ©ve Jones-Wright. In one week alone, Soros spent nearly $3 million this week on races for district attorney positions, though most elections are limited by the $800 individual contribution limit. This backfired when Jones-Wright’s opponent, career prosecutor Summer Stephan, called out Soros for what he did, saying it was a public safety threat. Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley was stunned when she learned she was on Soros’ hit list, since she’s a registered Democrat. Soros ditched her after he accused her of implementing “racist” stop-and-frisk policies. This comes after Duane Chapman, aka Dog The Bounty Hunter, and his wife Beth went after Soros directly recently. They targeted the Soros-funded operation the Drug Policy Alliance. Though it sounds like this group is trying to end the drug epidemic, Soros and his colleagues are using it to put more drugs and criminals on the street. Duane and Beth just confronted Roseanne Scotti, Senior Director of Drug Policy Alliance after Scotti broke into a private press conference concerning drug policy and lured some of the press over to a corner. Scotti immediately ran from the Chapmans, refusing to answer any questions. Beth explained why this “drug policy” is so profitable for Soros and his cronies and why they are hell-bent on getting into this “game.” “They’re running a scam to push for pre-trial release and steal more tax payer money. But it’s not even a problem of it just ‘not working’ they are directly trying to aide and abed, and increase, the criminal element that exists on our streets right now,” she said. They’re trying to achieve this by pushing that narrative that doing drugs is a ‘disease’ – it is not a disease. The good hardworking people of America know that these are not diseases, they are choices, and continued bad choices result in addiction… depending on the class of substance, which is heroin and opiates.”

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