Monday, June 25, 2018

Benjamin Fulford June 25 2018 Western civilization continues to implode as old paradigms cease

The old regime in the U.S. and Europe is collapsing in a way that is now becoming obvious even to the most brainwashed and illiterate Westerners. This collapse ultimately stems from the social instability cause by extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of a very small clique of closely interbred oligarchs now known as the Khazarian mafia. Fortunately, a revolution has begun that will soon liberate the West, and the rest of humanity, from these self-appointed, war-loving social engineers. For now, though, there are multiple signs of a very dangerous and chaotic summer as the old system collapses. In the U.S., the undeclared civil war that has been raging since the election of Donald Trump may lead to nuclear terror inside the U.S. by Khazarian mafiosi, say CIA and other sources.

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