Saturday, May 19, 2018


Back in the 90s an 'International High Priestess'-turned-Christian confided to me her involvement in a plan for a rash of mass shootings to be set off when they felt the time was right. The timing was to coincide with govt intervention (gun control, etc) before the fall. These current shootings are programmed/pre-planned, and there will be more. She warned there would be an avalanche of shootings, one right after another. Technology makes programming chipped or pre-disposed people easy, you can find those techniques in old military patents. Today they program short-term people using targeted frequencies and vibrations. These (programmed) shooters are disposable, of no use beyond compliance. This high-level Priestess taught trainers how to abuse and program children in league with the govt for Manchurian roles in upper govt. Yes, you could call her a Satanist but she was invisible to the public and operated in a coven more ancient than Crowley -- she was high-placed multi-generational, the real deal. She said the programming required severely sadistic torture, sex-based trauma, electric shocks, and psychological anguish such as choosing which sibling is tortured and killed. This causes young children to splinter off parts, or alters, that can be programmed with assigned triggers. Mk-Ultra, Project Monarch, Bluebeard, and Artichoke are some of the better known govt programs. Therapists call this initial abuse Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), but few recognize its secretly protected status provided by the govt. In fact, Satanists openly brag that they place their own in positions of investigators and prosecutors to protect their own -- they are in every community. The reason for using very young children is because an alter developed at this stage retains 40% greater sensory acuity, which is useful for later assignments. What could be better than a spy or assassin who doesn't know she is a spy or assassin. These otherwise normal people have immense monetary value, so they are often kept close to their handlers through employment or marriage, and there's lots of them. They are closely tied to military bases worldwide, but their programming has to be re-tuned periodically because about middle-age their programming tends to 'leak' through flashbacks of their earlier abuse. (The False Memory Foundation was funded about this time to provide plausible deniability.) Worse, talking triggers a Suicide program if some untrained therapist fails to use proper coded methods to safely roll back the layers of programming; thus victims breaking out of programming are in danger of killing themselves or others before they break free. Since they are chipped for better tracking, little escapes their handlers. This is simplistic, but you can get the gist. The black market for infants, toddlers, and children destined for abuse is HUGE, an international billion-dollar market tied to the top in our own government. Practicing Satanists are at the very top in military, political, and power-broker positions worldwide -- they call the shots, they run the black market, they protect their own -- IT'S NOT NEW. As an aside, Bill and Hillary were known in the coven and groomed for their roles. She said they were assigned to each other, protected by their own, and moved up to take the nation where they wanted. Our own govt runs the international black market trade in children, drugs, and munitions. For example, the War on Drugs? --that's to get rid of our competition. The War on Terror? --that's to increase profit through sale in munitions and strategic global position. The Princess even talked about setting off planned die-offs. There's plans people barely even know about yet like synergistic adjutants, but it looks like people are catching on. If the International-level Satanic High Priestess sat through these meetings, then other people did too. I hope the anons have all this info. 4

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