Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Endless Korean War & Arizona Teachers Walk Out

This is the April 26, 2018 FULL EPISODE of VICE News Tonight on HBO. 2:44 Arizona teachers have voted to walk out today in demand of higher wages and more funding for schools. This is just the latest in a wave of teachers’ strikes that began two months ago, but this time there’s less planning and more politics. 7:39 EPA Director Scott Pruitt will be on defense at two House hearings tomorrow. He faces blistering scrutiny over his use of taxpayer money for security and decor; his close ties to the industries his agency regulates; his frequent and pricey travel; and the sweetheart lease he arranged with the wife of a lobbyist. 11:59 House Speaker Paul Ryan is retiring and the best the GOP can muster to replace him (so far) is an actual white supremacist and anti-Semite. Suddenly the Democrats have a real shot at picking up the seat. VICE News goes to WI-01 to look at the immediate aftermath of a political earthquake. 18:25 North and South Korea are still technically at war after 68 years. VICE News looks at how it started.

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