Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Arcturian Council Message For Awakened Souls

  We are the Arcturian Council. We bring news of the great shift. We seek to reassure that no timeline is set in stone, no decision made without opportunity to transform. We have come to warn of great unrest. We seek to balance our warning with love. We do not want to exacerbate the situation on Gaia. We seek only to affect the outcome of Gaia’s ascension for the positive. We ask warriors of light to release all last traces of fear. There is need for calm. Great swathes of negative energy are clouding the light on Gaia. As more awaken, tearing down the walls of deceit, fear is locking down their energetic systems. We see in colors and we see this energy as grey, dark and heavy. We can see density in its fabric. If these low frequencies are allowed to settle into Gaia’s vibration they will block future tidal waves of photonic light. Higher vibratory fields of light triggered by cosmic intervention. We can already see this light wave coming, as some of those on Gaia also see.

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