Thursday, April 5, 2018

Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Watch the news tomorrow."

Brennan is the quintessential godless, soulless, muslim convert. This makes him in reality nothing.He is TOLERATED by both worlds but respected by neither. By his conversion 10-12 years ago this puts him in a HATE THE WEST IDEOLOGY and very untrustworthy. Their Koran tells them it’s fine, encouraged to lie, deceive, whatever it takes to dominate a westerner. They are encouraged to lie, renege on any business deal, contracts and treaties. Explains why every deal goes south and the USA gets it up the bum. This Muslim invasion unless it is engaged and run from our lands will end up being the end of our way of life. Their goal is multi generation as Islam conquering is a timeless objective. WAKE UP......TIME FOR REVOLUTION, YOUR GOVERNMENT WILL DO NOTHING AGAINST THESE HEATHENS. Side note, the average cost for a Muslim migrant family, including 4 wives and their 20-40 eventual offspring tahr includes, food, housing, 3k walking cash and full deductible, free meds......ready.....we shell out $65,000.00 per month. Think what a social security boost you could enjoy if this money wasn’t siphoned off the top to fund them. Thanks Barry. I pray some venereal diseased Muslim has his way with your daughters just for to feel and share the shame and pain you drug to our shores.

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