Sunday, April 15, 2018

Gerald Celente - The "Trump War" will Crash the Markets

Sad thing is .... all the stuff he was criticizing Obama for is doing exactly the same thing if not worse !! If I'm in the White House I won't have time to go golfing I'll be so busy making America great again ... yea okay . Obama was so stupid he was letting the enemy know what he was doing days in advance ... and then comes that tweet Russia get ready missiles are coming ?!?! Are u freaking kidding me ? And FYI Russia doesn't need your stupid warning plus i can't help but think of some spoiled brat who got daddy's toys and money saying something similar... then again that's what trump is anyway !! Sadly Trumps base it totally oblivious to all this they are willing to divide us and go as far as attack their fellow Americans rather than do some critical thinking of their own and speak out against the prick instead they enable him by attacking our judicial system, FBI, DOJ.... u name it !! And these are suppose to be the conservative/patriots/evangelicals who cares the most about our constitution!! Or was that just when we had a black president?? Now it's all out the door ? Slump don't give 2 fucks about the we the people or constitution or any of y'all in that matter !! Just like any other wealthy arrogant scum bag especially when they are from NY !! And I can see it in just the way he speaks and acts period !! He wants all his cabinet members to be devoted and 100 percent loyal to him n him only and be ready with toilet paper when he is about to shit on the people to wipe his ass for him !! A applaud Jeff session for recusing himself from the Russia investigation for once because he knew this was coming and second because he is a true patriot and he knew the oath he took was to serve and protect the CONSTITUTION not to be the personal lawyer of trump . He was one of his earlier and most supporters in the campaign but this is whole different ball game now .. and trump doesn't seem to get it !! He still thinks all those guys are there to kiss his ass that's how selfish and arrogant and how much of an egomaniac he is !! Rant over

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