Monday, April 2, 2018

Boooom, The Deep State Is Terrified, Truth Are Lies, Lies Are Truth

 Facebook and other social media giants out of control, regulation is needed and they might be broken up. London murder rate has now overtaken NYC. There is a huge number of illegals that are headed towards the US, Trump is trying to block their entry into the US. Trump wants to meet with Putin at the White House. US and South Korea start drills, NK has not responded and has not commented on the drills. The deep state has deployed more paid mercenaries to Syria, Trump calls for a complete withdrawal from Syria. The corporate media goes crazy over the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. The deep state will now counter everything the alternative media reports, truth are lies, lies are truth. They are resorting to calling everything a conspiracy theory. In the past the corporate media never responded to the alternative media now they are countering with explanations.

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