Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Economy Has Never Recovered, It's An Illusion, Wake Up

Uk retailers getting hit hard, just like in the US. This is spreading to all countries. Credit card usage starts to slow, people are maxed out, we saw this right before the crash of 2008. Half the companies are losing money, how can we have a recovery. It's starting to look alot like 1987, credit is going to be a major problem. The US does not import 90% of its alluminum only about half, the other comes from recycle material. Bitcoin seller identified. Banks are bankrupt, the facts are in and it shows the economy is in big trouble and when the system collapses the banks are going down. 

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. Money circulation is moribund and bringing in the Trump plan to rebuild America's infrastructure
    and create prosperity in jobs, careers and benefits for US and metals suppliers will set
    the circulation into motion again.
    Tariffs are the Cost fees to do business with the USA, and no need for Trade War.
    Suppliers in other countries will expand the
    production for years to come, and help to stabilize their own economies.
    The Resistance, no matter how ferocious, will be the losers. Americans can take heart, and spirit and get to work.
