Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Intel on Benjamin Fulford and Justin Trudeau

Benjamin Fulford : First of all, as to whether or not I am a Canadian, my ancestors first moved to Canada in 1776 as United Empire Loyalists whose motto was “good government.” They believed, correctly as it turned out, that if the Anglo-Saxon people were divided, they would be conquered by foreigners. That is exactly what has happened since the United States is now controlled by fascist Roman aristocrats who subcontract the rule to Jewish traitors to their own people. My great-grandfather G.T. Fulford was a Canadian senator, and my grandfather was a Canadian MP for more than 20 years. My father Dwight Fulford was Canadian ambassador to various countries. In the 1980’s he helped rescue more than 10,000 people from the fascist death squads in Argentina. Lester B. Pearson, originator of the idea of peacekeeping troops, was a friend of the family who used to come over for meals. The reason I came to Asia as a youth was because I once asked my father why Canada could not stop the warmongering fascists. His answer was that “Canada is too small.” So I decided the only way to stop these monsters was to enlist Asian help, something I believe I have almost succeeded in doing. About 10 years ago I took Japanese citizenship because I wanted to run for parliament here and convince the Japanese to stop bankrolling the fascists in the US and spend their $7 trillion in overseas assets to help the planet. Since then I have been intimately involved in the secret war to liberate the planet earth.

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