Saturday, March 24, 2018

Here It Comes: China About to Unleash "Tens of Billions" More In Tariffs

But the more likely reaction is that China will simply escalate with a "brute force" tit-for-tat retaliation, and as Citi notes, the editor-in-chief of the state-controlled Chinese newspaper Global Times, Hu Xijin, confirmed precisely that when he tweeted: "I learned that Chinese govt is determined to strike back." More importantly, he explained the confusion over the "disproportionate" $3 billion response, noting that "Friday's plan to impose $3b tariffs is simply to retaliate to tariffs on steel and aluminum products", i.e. a response to the previous, Section 232 round of tariffs, and has nothing to do with the latest round of $50 billion in Section 301 tariffs. Instead, Hu warns that "China's retaliation lists against the 301 investigation will target US products worth $ tens of billions. It is in the making."

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