Sunday, February 11, 2018

Time To Pay Attention: The US Is Sending 1,000s Of Marines—To CHINA

. all well have after all the destruction,is the need for one another,until all of our fight,is all gone...and we are so broken...that we look to our the force that unites us all...humility...because that is the end result after our pride is broken ... we are united by humility,atleast those remained alive,therell be no more room left even to fear and defend...unt we start rebuilding again,qnd start the process all over again...and look upon hoe much we've accomplished since disaster came,and slowly,generation by generation ,we lose sight over what happened,hoe it became,and pride takes over again destructive pride...sorry it was a long comment...but,i just want to hopefully let it seep into the minds hoe slowly things morphe or mutate into what they do...because it happens so Grady,it goes unnoticed in each of our hearts,that because it creeped in unnoticed,unchecked(individual) it spread so rapidly,unt the virus became to big to be hidden again,and again hits it's terminal stages...the things these things we think are no big deal it's only one person...spreads beyond what we think is no big deal...pride,anger,resentment,arrogance,selfishness,lack of or forgotten humility,humility,qnd selflessness is the only frequency,that radiates love...pure love for one another

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