Friday, February 16, 2018

The Deep State Is All In Now, Be Prepared The Next Event Is On The Way

 Special counsel Mueller pushes forward 13 indictments against the Russians, the only problems it is one big nothing burger. Judicial Watch founder says that Obama had the dossier, why wasn't he questioned. The US confirms that there will be no attack on NK. Russia is now in control of Syria's oil production. The Kurds are allowing the Syrian army in the Afrin area which will be a problem for the deep state. This was the plan from the beginning. The push is on to distract, to push gun control and make sure everyone is looking at the new while the push all the fake news in front of the public. This event will not be enough to distract, the indictments against Russians will not be enough because there is nothing there. Get ready for event number 2.

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