Friday, February 2, 2018

Is The Deep State About To Activate The Sleep Cells?

 The FISA memo was released the corporate media is using propaganda to say its nothing, but the memo shows the dossier was used as the basis for the warrants to spy on Trump, if the dossier is fake then the warrants are null and void and the Mueller investigation goes down the drain. Judicial Watch reports that the Obama administration was pushing their own dossier on Trump. The 2018 Olympics are coming up and the US and South Korea are not having drills but NK reports that there are a lot of ships around the Korean peninsula. The US is not in talks with Turkey about Manbij and Mattis reports that there is no evidence that Assad is creating or using Sarin gas. The corporate media is still pushing the same propaganda. Since the system is breaking down, the memo was released will the deep state activate their sleeper cells for the next event. They know more information is headed their way so most likely we should expect a false flag.

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