Saturday, February 17, 2018

Critical Facts Regarding the #FloridaSchoolShooting the #DeepState Media Are Distorting and Hiding

 Parkland, FL — One of the deadliest school shootings in American history took place this week in Parkland, Florida and the suspected gunman has since confessed to this most heinous act. As details unfold, however, the mainstream media is failing to ask the hard questions which need to be answered, Matt Agorist writes in the Free Thought Project. While the media frantically attempts to use Nikolas Cruz to push their political agenda, bombshell revelations are being ignored, perhaps deliberately. While corporate media continues to use this incident to ram divide down society’s throat and push for gun confiscation, those of us in the alternative media world are asking questions that matter. The Free Thought Project has compiled a list of five major details about the shooting that took place Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that the media is conveniently choosing to ignore.

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1 comment:

  1. Looks JEWS are the same as Palestinians they have the same look, behavior; so why they fight each other’s been the same people.? the answer coule be found in the connivance between the Christian church and the Jewish rabbis. which determines that ROMANS BECAME Christians and the Christian took the Roman empire realm into their hearts and became Romans. so they can keep opressing celts britons, Goths saxons and the norden tribes. russians polish and more// israel return to israel . and priest return also to israel jerusalem
