Monday, January 22, 2018

The Cabal Begins Operation 'Wetwork', Time To Cover Their Tracks

 The lost text between Strzok and Page do not make sense because in the initial reports it says they had them. Do individuals were murdered and they are linked to the Clinton Haiti Relief Charity. New emails from Judicial Watch show Clinton knew all about securing her emails. First Facebook and now Google, they both remove the fact checking selection.Japan holds massive missile drills. South Korea would like the Olympic meeting to turn into denationalization talks. Turkey is moving in and destroying the terrorists hideout, the weapons depots, this was a coordinated plan with Turkey, Russia and Syria. Mattis reports that Turkey gave notice. Tillerson is contact with Turkey. The cabal is pushing another false flag in Syria, its the same old trick, Assad using chemical weapons. The IS pushes threats against the world.

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