Monday, January 8, 2018


There is no shortage of conspiracy theory lore when it comes to the moon and contemplating what really happened on the moon. As we’ve witnessed within the past few years alone, not all that we are told is actually true. Whether it’s information that a select few deem too mind-altering for the human race to handle, or information that threatens big corporate and/or the financial interests of the powerful “1 percent”, it’s no secret that our world is currently drenched, and has been drenched in tremendous amounts of secrecy. This fact became even more known when NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden released official documentation of clandestine black budget operations. Black budget programs haven’t been investigated much, but those who have investigated it have uncovered some startling facts. Former Canadian defence minister, Paul Hellyer, said it best: “It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects with both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about.”

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