Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Current FBI Chief Has Lost Texts Before

 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Current FBI Chief Has Lost Texts Before, 1997 Synopsis: Oh my, now this is bad. Have you ever wondered why Trump’s new FBI Director, Christopher Wray, hasn’t fired a single person. The top echelon of FBI management is obviously riddled with corruption. Is Wray actually doing something good and the firings will come, or has he joined the coup and is now working against the president? Well guess what? Wray was Chris Christie’s lawyer when Christie’s cell phone turned up missing during the Bridgegate scandal. Guess where it was later discovered to be? In the law firm’s safe. Judge Nap laid it out on Fox & Friends this morning. [insert] So why did Trump hire Way? Now, this is just a theory – from here on is pure speculation - because Chris Christie asked him to do so. Remember, Christie was named as the first head of Trump’s transition team on May 9, 2016 – 6 months before the election. Christie was on the short list for Vice President along with Newt Gingrich and Mike Pence. Trump hired Way to make Christie happy. Now, Trump is sort of boxed in. Should he fire his second FBI Director? The Dems would have a television field day. But if Wray is now protecting this coup group within the FBI, either Trump or Sessions has to fire him. There is no alternative. Sessions sounded angry in his memo yesterday. It sounds like he has finally had enough.

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