Thursday, December 14, 2017

Should We Shut Down the FBI for Corruption? – Tom Fitton

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on: Tom Fitton – Should We Shut Down the FBI for Corruption?, 1943 Synopsis: Well, the coup is starting to come unraveled. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch – one of the best-informed people in Washington on this matter – appeared on Shannon Bream’s show on Fox late last night. [insert] Understand what this means, that Fusion GPS was getting at least some of their information directly from Department of Justice sources, and possibly not the Russians at all. Sad to say, but t is possible that this entire fake scenario was cooked up inside the walls of the FBI and DOJ. [insert] Not when you add in the fact that 75% of the U.S. mainstream media is colluding with this anti-Trump Mafiosi. This is just what the ministry of propaganda does for the KGB. If it were not for Fox News, we would know absolutely NOTHING about this. If it were not for Fox News backstopping folks like me, I would have been kicked off of YouTube years ago. That’s the sad and scary situation we are in. We are hanging onto our Republic by a very slender thread. [insert: Look, the FBI cannot…] Understand what that means. Everything that came out yesterday – all the texts – all the collusion with the Clintons – and the now in-your-face conspiracy against Donald Trump - was all known to the top government lawyer, Mr. Rosenstein since July. They have had 5 months to figure out how they were going to spin this. They have also had 5 months to destroy the worst of it – yes, shocking, these guys would actually destroy evidence of crimes – because they are the perpetrators of those crimes? Why not? [insert: Well, Ok, on to the point about ….]

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