Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Putin: West Said Russia Would Break Apart, But We Proved Them Wrong!

The President took part in a plenary session of the Russian Popular Front (ONF) Action Forum. The President was also updated on several ONF projects, listened to a report on the operations of the forum’s themed platforms and talked with presentation participants. Vladimir Putin was updated on the ONF Cleaning Project launched to get rid of illegal landfills. The main element of the presentation was an interactive map of landfills. The President asked about the number of such landfills. Project coordinator Dmitry Mironov said there are over 15,000 of them. The ONF representatives also told the President they had reviewed the results of this project and used them to select the best and the worst regions in terms of effectiveness of removing the illegal landfills. They also said that the interactive map of the landfills would be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment. After that, Vladimir Putin was told about the ONF Youth project. Project coordinator Sergei Boyarsky pointed out that several independent projects have been launched within ONF Youth over the past four months and that some of them have already produced results. For example, the President learnt that over 10,000 people took part in the Russia’s Future Image project and provided statistical data on the interests of Russia’s young people. This year’s forum is the largest in the ONF history. It is being attended by over 4,000 delegates from across Russia, including active ONF members and representatives from public and volunteer organisations and from federal and regional authorities.

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