Saturday, November 18, 2017

North Korea sentences Trump to death!

North Korea sentences US President to death!

Obviously, President Xi and Kim Jong Un must meet in person, and whatever they agree on must be honored by USA. Right now after months of stand-off, USA has proven that it is not able to solve this problem peacefully. What need is there for China acting as a middle man between USA and North Korea? What have we seen but escalation of the problem while USA tried to take the lead role? It is time for China to take the lead role in trying to solve the problem; USA must disappear from the scene completely. Let Asians speak with Asians and solve this problem amicably starting with a President Xi and Kim Jong Un one on one discussion. After we have a good thing going with China and North Korea, they both must call for Japan and South Korea to be on the table for a dialogue. Like it or not China is the cooler headed party and for the sake of world peace China must be the leader of Asia at least for the next few decades. United States is not even an Asian country but both Russia (75% Asia) and China are Asians so they have the right to be there while USA does not. China is not perfect, but truth be said, most Asians would rather be led by China than by the United States because most Asians have Chinese blood. Asians have had many centuries of peaceful relationship with China, long before USA even became a nation so why add USA to the mix only to create instability and war? Nuclear arms race (i.e. 'Peace through strength') is not the answer, the answer is understanding each other's needs and seeing the willingness of every Asian country to co-exist and wish for the prosperity and happiness of each other. No one can love Asians better than the Asians themselves it is time for Asia to unite. .

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