Saturday, November 25, 2017


 RUSSIA has accused the USA of trying to provoke North Korea into a war by conducting military exercises near to their borders. Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, also said that Donald Trump's administration was effectively trying to turn Japan and South Korea into American military bases to host missiles on Russia's doorstep. Speaking in Moscow last night, the 67-year-old said: "We are alarmed that in the last two months, when North Korea conducted no tests or rocket launches, it seemed that Washington was not happy about that and tried to do things that would irritate and provoke Pyongyang." The Russian diplomat, a key ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, was referring to joint military exercises the US military had conducted with their allies in Tokyo and Seoul that saw three American aircraft carriers lead drills in waters surrounding the Korean peninsula. He added: "It's as if they are hoping that [the North Koreans] will lash out again, and then it would be possible to engage in military options." Mr Lavrov said that he thought the USA was using their confrontation with Pyonyang as a cover to build up its military forces in East Asia which include weapons that form part of the country's missile defence shield.

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