Wednesday, November 8, 2017


NATO has revealed that the European Defence Force is ready to counter any attacks from North Korea from any direction.
Jens Stoltenberg, the organisation's secretary general, announced the capabilities at a press conference in Seoul today.

Speaking in the South Korean capital the Norwegian said: "We have the capability and resolve to deter any attack.
"That's the way NATO has handled ballistic missiles threats in the Cold War.
"That's the way NATO will handle North Korean threats.
"(NATO) is ready to respond and counter any attacks from any direction."

He said North Korea is developing ballistic missiles capable of hitting North America as well as Europe.
The news comes after North Korea suffered an embarrassing disaster at a nuclear site.
Jong-un may be keen to explode the hydrogen bomb after 200 people died and at least 100 people were trapped at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site, carved deep into the side of Mount Mantap, on October 10.
The accident is believed to have been caused by Kim Joing-un’s sixth nuclear test, which some officials believe was a H-bomb, according to the reports.
Nuclear arms expert Joshua Pollack said the North may be pressed to explode the bomb in a "public demonstration" because "North Korean leadership undoubtedly feels pushed into a corner" to demonstrate the reliability of their missile which killed nearby underground workers.
The launch of this hydrogen bomb would be the first atmospheric nuclear test in almost 40 years.

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