Thursday, November 16, 2017

Moore Accuser Removes Anti Moore, Anti Trump FB Rants

 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Moore Accuser Removes Anti Moore, Anti Trump FB Rants, 1889 Synopsis:Why is Judge Roy Moore important? Because he would be the swing vote in the U.S. Senate on a host of conservative, Pro-Trump issues – essentially nullifying turncoat Sen. John McCain’s vote. But there is a deeper reason. This is what they tried on Donald Trump – exact same gig – and it nearly worked. They nearly drove him out of the Presidential contest. Thirty days out from the election is the perfect time for salacious gossip to be repeated, but not investigated by the MSM. People tend to hear the oft repeated initial lies and not the later correction that the lie was actually a deliberate untruth devised by the Deep State Ministry of Propaganda. If the DSMOP wins this time with this tactic - and Judge Moore either withdraws or is somehow defeated at the polls, this will change the way all political races will be run in the future. Why? Here’s the macroeconomic argument. Senate races keep getting more and more expensive every year. The current record holder is the race was the 2016 Senate race between Pennsylvania Republican incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey and his challenger, Democrat Katie McGinty which clocked in at over $162 million. The recent special election Congressional race in Georgia cost over $50 million. But what a bargain it would be if you could swing a Senate election 20, 30 or 40 points if, in the last 30 days before the election, you spent $25-$50,000 to mount a robo-call targeting Democrat women in the state in question, offering to pay any woman $5,000 who would agree to swear on a stack of bibles that the Republican candidate had had sex with when she was 16. Only the first 10 women with the best “evidence” will be chosen. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Oh, and don’t worry about proving it. We won’t investigate or vet your story, and you’ll have the full powers of the DSMOP to create an alternate reality for you should any nosy members of the MSM actually try to investigate. Oh, one more thing, you are guaranteed to get your 15 minutes of fame – probably a lot more. Do you think you would have any trouble getting 10 volunteers? No way! Do you think we are making this up? Check this courtesy of Mobile, Alabama TV station WKRG, Channel 5: [insert]

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