Friday, November 3, 2017

Has America Gone Insane

There is subliminal programming going on, that has been perpetrated on the Western population for at least 18 months... the msm and entertainment industry is the vehicle being used, with input from the pharmaceutical and food industry. Do you know where the contraceptive, hrt and bovine hormones go when our bodies are done with them? Into the water supply. I have spoken to both American, Canadian and British residents - and I am being given, almost verbatum, the same script from them... I do not specify their political group... because I am of the opinion, that their real politics have been hijacked by this forced programming. I am speaking of the sort of programming they banned in the 60's for advertising. This subliminal programming never stopped... but it moved into the political realm... and was refined once digital signals became the norm. I was aware of this process before having these conversations - but was somewhat skeptical - however, having heard people, from 3 different countries, who have never met, saying almost EXACTLY the same key phrases... I am convinced that there is a war being waged on people's conciousnesses . These are the exact phrases... "We need more gun control" "The immigrants from Syria and Afghanistan fleeing war zones..." (even though the majority are African who are not interested in assimilating and are not fleeing anything.) "The American democratic process..." (even though it is is a Democratic Republic - although my friend from the UK did admit "each state is like it's own country...") "The Las Vegas shooter was treated better than the NYC attacker..." (This was the conversation that convinced me some form of mental control is being used... When I told them the Vegas shooter was dead... it as as if a blind spot developed, or white noise was all they heard... strangest thing - they continued on the programmed path regardless... even repeating the phrase as if for comfort These are people I have known for years - smart people... but, the one thing I would say they all have have in common, is that on the 4 Lenses scale, I would define them as dominant blues (emotionally driven). I am a gold/green (systematic/science driven) on that same Lense scale. We may never have an admission of this control... but, when Trump was elected the msm was unmasked as the propaganda tool of the globalists. This group is not bound by law or moral and I believe are the great evil of our species. They are the enemies of all humanity.

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