Saturday, November 4, 2017

Cryptocurrency Is Going To Push The Fiat Money System Over A Cliff: Rob Kirby

crypto was designed for the bankers they told us 30 yrs ago on the economist magazine cover that they would have a fully digital currency by 2018 . bitcoin / ethereum is a introduction to the masses for digital wealth it is being allowed to rise in price to get more people on board. when they are ready we will be forced to use there crypto centralised alternatives . people are just being fooled all over again . people can slag me off saying rubbish but time will show us that they have not lost control and will not be just giving up there control of the financial system . wake up fools

how can people be so against a tyrannical oppressive banker state of living..but then support crypto? seems hypocritical and driven by greed, due to most people being poor due to a similar system we have now.. its just greed. gold and silver is the only vice that will hurt the central banks and bring us back to a normalcy. i hope a huge tax is coming for these crypto traders.literally ,traders..

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