Saturday, November 25, 2017


 Your life is over when you run for senate or other high position, FBI, CIA, the FED, ect. It's no longer your life, someone knows everything you ever have done, who you have been with, friends, acquaintances, your shopping habits, all mail correspondence is tracked, all phone calls ever made at the advent of recording from paper to data, any time you are captured on security with wireless facial recognition instantly, your data trail is just available. The sticky fingers can choose to never have a need to access the information of you or I, nobodies, but it's available to be used at the level of blackmail and leverage, should the option of perhaps being hit by a car, struck by lightning or hanging oneself (assassination/murder) not be ultimately required per ones usefulness continues to carry boons. We would truly have to clean out every single branch of government "to the man" and severe every single controlling interest and start from the ground up because right now it's pure cancerous NWO and even a single good man in power is a gnat that can be ignored as a one or two year set back is acceptable to the long game which they have no where to go but to win. We live in a world of evil and entropy after all and all the guns and gold in the world can't stop that.

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