Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Anonymous Releases Bone Chilling Video of Huma Abedin

 Huma Abedin found herself right in the middle of an FBI investigation not long ago due to the finding of more emails from her husband’s (Anthony Weiner) laptop that may be connected to Hillary Clinton’s investigation, which has caused the FBI to reopen Hillary’s case. However, emails may have been the least of our worries when it comes to Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton. Specifically, what you are about to learn from the group Anonymous will chill you to the bone. Bizpac Review reports, a popular video circulating social media claims to show Abedin, who was raised in Saudi Arabia between the ages of two and 18, her family, and by extension Clinton, have ties to groups and people who fund terrorism.” The narrator of the video names the “four main players” as Clinton, Abedin, Saudi Arabia and Abdullah Omar Nasseef. The video alleges that the Abedin family business, The Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs which, as we reported, is a pro-Sharia Law newsletter where Abedin used to work, is “owned by the Muslim World League, Saudi Arabia’s global organization that promotes violent Wahhabi Islam.”

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