Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Vegas shooting a DISTRACTION From Harvey

What really blows my mind is they are actually setting "traps" for truthers, little rabbit holes for them to take to keep them distracted from the truth as well. Was it the 32nd floor or the 4th floor, was there someone in the crowd predicting it would happen 45mins before the shooting, were there multiple shooters??? It's all over youtube. They faked a shooting, then sprinkled shiny objects all around to suck in and distract the alternative media keeping them from figuring out the truth while our mainstream media fed the rest of the world the lie. This world is a stage (a Satanic stage I might add), thanks for doing what you do brother, maybe some will be able to see through the lies built on lies.

 Many of us have drawn the conclusion that the shooting in Las Vegas was so sloppy and poorly executed it may simply be an in Normas day version for the rest of the sleeping masses in the United States right now far too many channels far too many videos far too many people are exposing the atrocities occurring after Harvey hit land

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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