Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Vegas Shooting , Cui Bono?

And not a single police officer returned fire. In 2017 every patrol car in America is stocked with an AR15 which is accurate at 300 yrds easy. Law enforcement today is armed to the teeth and they couldn't fire back?? BS!!

I don't think anyone is falling for this one. Everyone can see how fuckin nuts this was. 23 guns? With that level of accuracy and that number of rounds? No return fire? 63 year old guy suddenly likes ANTIFA who are 99% incredibly stupid college kids and keeps their propaganda on his person at all times? Seriously, anyone who believes a word of this shit and hasnt considered MK-ULTRA at the very least is just begging for a NWO supplied bullet of their very own.

Sheldon Adelson laundered billions of Heroin money that kill 60,000 Americans a year and destroys probably millions of individual lives and families. He holds dual citizenship with Israel and can send billions to Israeli banks without ever being questioned. And to boot Israel never extradites its own citizens.

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