Sunday, October 22, 2017

U.S. Ran $666 Billion Deficit In 2017! - Debt Reaches CATASTROPHIC Levels!

 Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the vast deficit in the United States which is growing by the day. The U.S. ran a $666 Billion deficit in fiscal 2017 and that charts as the 6th highest on record. Let's get the "666" part out of the way first. Interestingly, the evils of the global monetary cartel are on full display. It's not the first time! In 2016 we reported on the fact that there were 666 interest rate cuts worldwide since the collapse of Lehman Brothers. We can't say any of this is on purpose but it's strange nonetheless. Now, as the Federal Reserve prints insane amounts of debt based fiat currency continuing to centralize the monetary system into oblivion and an inevitable crash as well as buying up ridiculous amounts of debt, the government is spending at an unbelievable rate and forcing tax payers to pay the bill all while manipulating the markets into oblivion. Everything today is based on manipulation and it begets the centralized control grid being built on a global basis. A populace in debt is a populace in servitude. With a national debt of 20.42 trillion dollars, $62,648 of debt per citizen, $4 trillion in federal spending, this whole system is about to come tumbling down which by fundamentals should have happened long ago. With the debt ceiling decision once again pushed off until December 8th, 2017, this story continues to unfold. John digs into his calculation on global central bank balance sheets as well as gold holdings to present numbers that you may not find in other reports including some of the crazy happenings behind closed doors at the Federal Reserve. The bottom line is people need to be financially responsible and educated or reap the consequences. It's better to be over prepared than under prepared any day.

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