Sunday, October 22, 2017

Trump Calls Up Reserves, Pilots Needed

 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Trump Calls Up Reserves, Pilots Needed, 1852 Synopsis: President Trump late on Friday, signed an executive order allowing military pilots to be recalled to active duty. Citing emergency powers, the EO explicitly stated that the call-up was voluntary for the time being, but implied that the president had the power to call retired military officers back to duty for any reason because of: The new EO is officially an amendment to EO 13223 which President George W. Bush implemented in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks. The Air Force has a severe pilot shortage. Gen. David L. Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff told UPI last month: “We’re 1,500 pilots short, and if we don’t find a way to turn this around, our ability to defend the nation is compromised.” Should war break out with North Korea, the primary advantage of the U.S. would be air power – but only with sufficient pilots. It is clear that this initial voluntary calling up of the reserves is a serious ramping up of preparations for war. It is also a deadly serious message all of America’s adversaries will understand, including North Korea, China, Russia and Iran. I’m still reporting from the one-time, free-speech capital of the world.

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