Saturday, October 7, 2017

Sugar is 8 times as adictive as Cocaine

Avoid all processed food. Avoid all foods from a health food store.
Food Industry's Secret Weapon (WHY Sugar is addictive & in 80% of Food)

0:00 - Sugar is 8 times as addictive as cocaine 1:27 - Natural Drugs 2:20 - The Problem with Refinement 3:40 - Dopamine & your Reward System 4:08 - Sugar, the drug 6:15 - Is it Truly addictive? 7:03 - Sugar Tolerance 7:38 - Sugar Withdrawal 9:04 - Why Sugar is put in everything 10:29 - Brief Sugar History 11:36 - Are you addicted to Sugar? 12:03 - Try cutting it out! Robert Lustig deserves a lot of credit for educating so many people about how sugar is affecting so many people's health. I recommend checking out any of his talks on youtube or his book "Fat Chance"

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