Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Saudi Arabia is at a turning point in its History

Abdication of King Salman in Saudi Arabia : Saudi Arabia is at a turning point in its history. Last month, the government cracked down on dissidents and detained dozens of civilians. The events took place at the backdrop of other global developments such as the referendums in Iraqi Kurdistan and Catalonia as well as the ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas in Myanmar. Thus, the Saudi crackdown went largely unnoticed in the international media. Outlets that did cover the events presented it as a violation of human rights.

Yet, the nature of the arrests is more subtle and indicates that King Salman is preparing to abdicate his throne and install his son bin Salman as the new ruler of Saudi Arabia.

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1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, behead people every day, woman are treated like shit yet they are on the UN Human Rights council!! Hahaha. Oh my bad! They are considering to let woman drive a car!!! Well that is progress, the Axis of Evil is not Iran, Nth Korea well I can't say Iraq anymore maybe Syria it is Israel, UK and the US.France and the EU. The central bankers dictate who is evil and that is where wars are instigated.
