Monday, October 23, 2017

NASA & Deep State Alien Satellite Space Project Janus To End Trump USA. Worse Than HAARP

 You are seeing top secret Project Janus in action. It's the Janus face - face of the of the storm. And this is the second face of Janus - the face of the fire storm. You are also seeing the final part of Fall Apocalypse and here we will share a top secret knowledge gained from United States military intelligence about the cause devastation from Florida and Texas to California and Oregon in Fall of 2017. If you saw our previous videos including part 1 and 2 - we have predicted exact times and places of hurricanes, fires and everything that happened from August to October 2017. In this final part United States military intelligence agent told us something so mind blowing that we had a hard time believing it at first. He said that during Obama administration top secret project Janus was launched. Literally, launched into the outer space. Once Trump took the office the Deep State agents neither notified Trump nor gave him control over it. Instead they are using it against him. Especially after Obama & Clinton inspired summer of resistance funded by billions of dollars by taxpayers money that should have led to Trump impeachment failed miserably, Deep State turned to the more extreme means - Project Janus. Project Janus is a weather control satellite that can literally control the weather by heating the parts of the earth or the ocean. If it focused to one point, lets say a forest - it can start a colossal burn of large areas just like it happened in California and Oregon. And if the satellite is focused to a large area are like surface of water, it heats the water making the right condition for hurricane or typhoon to form like it happened in Texas and Florida. If it focuses on the large surface area instead of the small than it causes draught like in California and Arizona. It uses both microware radiation and solar radiation though the systems of lens and mirrors in the sky that can project solar energy to one partial point starting fire. It can also produce famous circles on the crop fields. It can be used to destroy and to create. That why satellite nickname is Janus. After two faced Greek God who can destroy and create, be good and evil at the same time, depending on what face it shows to you. For example, it can melting iceberg for drinking water or produce sophisticated crop circles on corn fields that will rival any work of art. But this time it was used for destruction. Destruction of Trump presidency. Trump was never supposed to win. Deep state already groomed Hillary Clinton and John Podesta to be their puppets to rule the world and orchestrate fake Alien Invasion to usher the New World Order and completion of mass human enslavement. But Trump asked Russian hackers for help and won. Now Deep State using Janus satellite against him. Think about no other president in his first year in the office faced 3 major hurricane hitting United States and 3 major fire burning entire states. During Obama administration they used the satellite to create drought in Western United States to bankrupt millions of farmers in order to make sure that all Americans are buying GMO foods from big corporations but not your local farmers. And in combinations with creating artificial water shortage and constant SWAT team raids on local farms they decimated private local farmers industry in the United States making sure that New World Order controlling everything you put into your mouth. I remember hot summer of 2015 in California when elementary school girls opened a lemonade stand to quell the tryst of thirsty citizens. The girls were arrested by cops for selling lemonade without a license. Because they were selling not far from giant Wal-Mart and their lemonade cost 50 cents and had 5 grams of sugar, while Wal-Mart lemonade cost $2 and had 50 grams of sugar. Because New World Order wants to drink diabetes to support Big Pharma and those little girls were eroding their business. Why they choose the destroy California, Oregon, Florida and Texas. That's the states were the last independent farms still exist. North California had until this months had thousands of private vineries and breweries in the world, Oregon - an emerald triangle of marijuana growth that is all gone, Florida and Texas had thousands of organic private farms. They all were prosing a threat to the New World Order and using Janus satellite they killed two rabbits with on shot: got rid of healthy private completion and undermined president Trump, insuring that he will inherit the county in ruins and fail miserably and that's where New World order will take his place. However, they feel that Fall devastation of 4 states might not be enough and they are preparing way bigger things next year. Follow Kryan channel to know them in advance just as we warned Texas half a year in advance that they will be underwater, just as we warned California two months in advance about the coming fire Armageddon.

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