Monday, October 16, 2017

Hillary to UK -- Brexit is Nigel Farage's Fault!,

Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Hillary UK Tour - It's Nigel Farage's Fault!, 1839
Synopsis: Hillary Clinton is now in England, selling her new book for 20GBP, or $26. Over the weekend she said that former UKIP leader Nigel Farage was one of the reasons she lost the election.
You, of all people know exactly how effective the big lie is, Madame Clinton.
Late yesterday, Farage responded in the British paper, “The Telegraph”, saying that the only reason Clinton would be maintain this line that she was cheated out of the election is if she is still determined to become the first female U.S. president.
Farage appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and repeated the claim.
There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary – if she lives that long – will be a major player in the run for the Democrats nomination to run against President Trump in 2020. She will tell the American people anything to get elected, that give us her New World Order where just as in the UK today, thanks to their yet-to-be-rescinded membership in the E.U., the people are far removed from those who make the laws – the exact opposite of a true populist governance style.

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