Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Global Population CRISIS an Impossible Demographic Nightmare! Solution is Hyperinflation. Here’s Why

They will try to implement a Universal Basic Income. Try to get everyone dependant. Then they hold the power.

The aging population in America paid into to the system, i.e. Social Security and the US Treasury, for all their working years while the government has misappropriated these funds and given it to illegal immigrants, welfare recipients, bought political re-elections, saved the white spotted brown tailed mice, and all other forms of corruption and now they want to blame it on the aging population. Does anyone remember in the 60's and early 70's when the government was telling us we need to keep our family size to 2 children or we would over populate? Another big scam we bought into. And Obama's administration was telling us we need to supercharge our immigration rate to make up for the loss in population growth.

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