Monday, October 9, 2017

Ex-CIA Robert Steele Destroys Official Narrative- Who Did It? CSS--10/8/17

Unfortunately Trump is a zionist schill for Israel. As for the Las Vegas murders and 9/11, who benefits? Israel. On one side you have the marxist, democrat Jews who are trying to overthrow America and the neo-con zionist Jews who want their Oded Yinon, Greater Israel project. The enemy has been within for more than a 100 years, yet we can never question the Jews motive!

I've always really liked Robert Steele. But I have to say, his apparent ignorance of Trumps super deep Zionist connections, is really troubling. And I have to question how he could possibly be that ignorant. Trump is surrounded by hardcore Zionist like his son-in-law Jared Kushner. These people are rabid zionists. He's friends with Larry Silverstein one of the 9/11 conspirators. It's extra troubling because I cannot believe that Robert Steele is not aware of these connections. and Resorts International was a money-laundering operation for the Rockefellers, Rothschild, Meyer Lansky and the CIA. and we are to believe that Trump is not connected to the elites? I don't buy it. And I really don't see how Robert Steel can buy it either. That's what's really troubling.

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