Saturday, October 21, 2017

End Of The World 2017 Started In Oregon. North California Next. 3 Sisters Super Volcano Erupted.

 Government was trying to cover it up for over a week now but videos firefighters keep bringing from Oregon blaze are stunning and clearly show new eruptions of Oregon 3 Sisters Super Volcano dormant for millennia. What was reported in the news as forest fire of the century is actually start of Oregon super volcano eruption. The entire chain of mountains near Portland started to erupt after the solar eclipse, just as Kryan Channel warned you 2 months ago - see the link to the video. Observe Oregon super volcano awakening and prepare for the other volcanoes to follow. Earth magma has shifted just as we warned you two months ago. And if you still think that it is just a big forest fire as it was reported in the news - than see the images from firefighters trail camera left for night near 3 sisters Super Volcano. Another video shows week old still warm lava flows in Oregon made by local campers. Prepare, it has begun just as it was prophesied. Tomorrow we will post another video with way more scientific and visual evidence of the upcoming earth fiery end.

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