Friday, October 13, 2017

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Trump Is Over, The Global Economic Crisis

The USA wants into North Korea for its vast mineral wealth, for the remaining 10% of opium production NOT controlled (in Afghanistan) by America, for the fact that it is one of only FOUR countries worldwide NOT part of the Rothschild central banking system. ALSO----North Korea (like Syria, Russia and Venezuela) is not a supporter of the flagging petrodollar. Kim fires a few missiles and America freaks out. ESSENTIALLY (MOREOVER).....WASHINGTON IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF A MAJOR WAR----ANYWHERE----TO GOOSE THE RIGHT-ON-THE-BRINK-OF-IMPLOSION USA ECONOMY......AND AT LEAST OSTENSIBLY, NORTH KOREA TODAY HAS BECOME THE LATEST BOOGIE MAN.....AFTER DECADES OF AMERICA'S VIRTUALLY IGNORING THEIR MILITARY ADVANCES. REMINDS ME OF THE SIMILAR SCENARIO IN IRAQ UNDER SADDAM AND THE COMPLETELY FABRICATED "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" CHARADE.

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