Monday, October 2, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Report - Oct 02, 2017 : U.S. Nukes North Korea and Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe

Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe

U.S. Nukes North Korea and Japan Decides to Dump PM Abe Last week the U.S. Air Force dropped a nuclear weapon on a mountaintop close to North Korea’s nuclear test site as a warning to that country to stop its recent missile provocations, according to NSA sources. This was reported in the world’s media merely as U.S. bombers flying the furthest north of the demilitarized zone in the 21st Century. This flight was followed by reports of a magnitude 3.5 earthquake close to where North Korea recently tested a hydrogen bomb. Contradictory media reports described this earthquake as either natural or the result of a nuclear explosion. In any case, North Korea did not brag about a new nuclear test after this event.

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